Utah Valley University

Bloodborne Pathogens

Course Name

Bloodborne Pathogens

Contact Hours: 4 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

This course provides training as required by OSHA`s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29CFR 1910.1030). Material covered in the course includes definitions of bloodborne pathogens, modes of transmission, universal precautions, engineering and work practice controls, exposure control plans, hepatitis B vaccinations, and other information needed to ensure worker safety. Note that the standard requires an opportunity for you to ask interactive questions and receive answers from the person conducting the training session. OSHA was asked if having a trainer available to answer any questions via email was considered to be in compliance with this requirement.
In an interpretation letter OSHA states that “it is critical that trainees have an opportunity to ask and receive answers to questions where material is unfamiliar to them. Frequently, a trainee may be unable to go further with the training or to understand related training content until a response is received.” Therefore, it is OSHA’s policy that using an email system to answer questions is NOT considered direct access to a qualified trainer. If the qualified trainer is available through an interactive on-line exchange or via phone communication whenever a question arises, this is considered acceptable.

Who Should Take This Course:

Persons who are exposed to blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) while performing their routine work functions need to receive bloodborne pathogens training. This includes:

  • medical professionals: doctors, nurses, physician assistants
  • hospital staff: phlebotemists, laundry, housekeeping, janitorial personnel
  • dentists, dental hygienists
  • emergency responders
  • medical researchers and lab technicians
  • tattoo artists and body piercers
  • law enforcement personnel
  • funeral home staff
  • nursing home aides, hospice workers and staff
  • trade professionals: plumbers and pipefitters


After completing this course, participants should be able to:

  • identify common bloodborne pathogens, their paths of tranmissions, and symptoms of the disease
  • know what an exposure control plan is, what it contains and where it is located
  • recognize tasks which may lead to exposure of bloodborne pathogens and measures to take for protection
  • the steps to take following an exposure incident
  • what is provided in a post-exposure evaluation and follow-up
  • explanation of the color coding and symbols used for biohazards


Exams follow each of the 10 modules.


Topics include:

  • Introduction to bloodborne pathogens
  • Bloodborne diseases
  • Exposure control plans
  • Personal protective equipment and housekeeping
  • HIV and HBV research laboratories and production facilities
  • Hepatitis B vaccinations
  • Post-exposure evaluation and follow-up
  • Hazard communication
  • Information and training requirements
  • Recordkeeping