Utah Valley University

Food and Beverage Management - Instructor Led

Course Name

Food and Beverage Management - Instructor Led

Contact Hours: 30 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

Learn a systematic approach to evaluating meeting objectives and group needs as they relate to menu design, pricing structures, guarantee strategies, negotiation items and overall information about food and beverage services.


Maximum time to complete this course is 90 days. To be completed in that time: 8 quizzes, 8 activities, and 1 final exam. All reviews, exercises and other assignments are submitted electronically to your instructor with results returned via email.


Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain meal functions
  • Describe beverage functions
  • Compare on and off site catering services
  • Describe room set ups for a catered event
  • Analyze the staffing needs for catered events
  • Outline a strategy for providing food and beverage service for a low-cost event
  • Describe services that can be provided by outside suppliers
  • Identify industry appropriate contract negotiation practices
  • Create a menu for a catered event


Successful completion of all reviews, activities and quizzes. Participation in online Discussion as specified in the course. You will receive a welcome letter from your instructor which will include greater detail regarding grading criteria.


Each Lesson includes an online review as well as application activities. These activities will ask you to complete independent research and application, consider various ideas, or discuss and share insights with friends or family. There is a final comprehensive exam.

Lesson 1
Introduction to Catering and Meal Functions

Lesson 2
Beverage and Meal Functions

Lesson 3
Room and Table Set Up

Lesson 4

Lesson 5
Low Cost Events

Lesson 6
Deep Market Events

Lesson 7

Lesson 8
Contracts and Negotiations

Final Exam