Utah Valley University

The Art of Listening, Persuasion and Compromise

Course Name

The Art of Listening, Persuasion and Compromise

Contact Hours: 8 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

This course will help to learn effective ways to really listen. We often listen to hear and respond, and not to really listen and understand. There is no success in listening but not understanding. Effective communication requires real understanding which comes from being able to really listen to someone. Once we learn to hear information, process it, feel it, and look at it from another person’s perspective, we can see how to better communicate and compromise instead of just respond. If we are better listeners, we are also better communicators and have better relationships.

If you want to learn to utilize your communication skills to be a better friend, employee, student, instructor, boss, or just person, this class will help. There are many exercises and skills to learn that will teach you how to practice these on a daily basis.

Please note: Course of study may be completed earlier than indicated.


Upon successful completion, students will understand the skills necessary to be better listeners.

As a result of engaging in this course of study, all serious-minded students will benefit in the following ways:

  • Utilize skills to be a better listener and communicator
  • Listen in different ways to become a better persuader and have better relationships
  • See how utilizing these skills can make better relationships possible
  • Utilize these skills in personal as well as professional lives
  • Realize that compromise comes from true understanding and listening
  • Realize that persuasion and compromise are not negative things, but positive


This course contains multiple assignments, exercises, handouts, role plays, and a couple of quizzes to help measure your progress and mastery of the course materials. A score of 85 or higher is required. Quizzes may be taken 2 times each.


  • Learning empathetic listening skills to learn better compromise and understanding.
  • How does empathy fit into active listening?
  • How does one truly compromise without feeling like they are giving something up?
  • True understanding and listening lead to better relationships.
  • Practicing new skills can lead to better listening.
  • Current trends in mediation, facilitation, and negotiation will be briefly touched upon and how listening fits into those.


Additional book purchase required. The Art of Listening -Kindle Edition- By Erich Fromm__ASIN : B00BBPWALK__https://www.amazon.com/Art-Listening-Erich-Fromm-ebook-dp-B00BBPWALK/dp/B00BBPWALK/ref=mt_other?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid=1599663086