Utah Valley University

Microsoft Word 2019

Course Name

Microsoft Word 2019

Contact Hours: 15 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

Microsoft Word 2019 is the most popular word processing program that can be used for both personal and professional purposes. While already feature-rich and critical for productivity, Microsoft continues to improve and enhance their software with each new release like the latest Microsoft Word 2019. In this course, you will develop and improve your Microsoft Word skills, so that you are able to maximize the industry-standard word processing system. This online training course will cover Basic Word 2019, Intermediate Word 2019 and Advanced Word 2019.

Please note: Course of study may be completed earlier than indicated.


Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

  • Navigate and perform common tasks in Word, such as opening, viewing, editing, saving, and printing documents, and configuring the application.
  • Format text and paragraphs.
  • Perform repetitive operations efficiently using tools such as Find and Replace, Format Painter, and Styles.
  • Enhance lists by sorting, renumbering, and customizing list styles.
  • Create and format tables.
  • Insert graphic objects into a document, including symbols, special characters, illustrations, pictures, and clip art.
  • Format the overall appearance of a page through page borders and colors, watermarks, headers and footers, and page layout.
  • Use Word features to help identify and correct problems with spelling, grammar, readability, and accessibility.
  • Organize content using tables and charts.
  • Customize formats using styles and themes.
  • Insert content using Quick Parts.
  • Use templates to automate document formatting.
  • Control the flow of a document.
  • Simplify and manage long documents.
  • Use mail merge to create letters, envelopes, and labels.


Visual Demonstrations & Multimedia Presentations - Our courseware includes instructor-led demonstrations and visual presentations that allow students to develop their skills based on real world scenarios explained by the instructor. We always focus on real world scenarios and skill-set development.


Module 1: Beginner
1.01 Instructor Intro
1.02 Course Intro
1.1 Explaining the Ribbon
1.2 Creating a Document
1.3 Saving Files
1.4 Page Views
1.5 Formatting Text
1.6 Ruler, Margins and Tab Stops
1.7 Moving and Duplicating Text
1.8 Line Spacing and Paragraph Formatting
1.9 Basic Editing
1.10 Insert a Basic Table and Graphics
1.11 Working with Styles

Module 2: Intermediate
2.1 Intermediate Intro
2.2 Collaboration & Co-Authorship
2.3 Tracking and Viewing Changes
2.4 Commenting
2.5 Templates & Layouts
2.6 Layout Functions on the Ribbon
2.7 Customize, Format and Convert Tables and Use as a Page Layout
2.8 Insert and Edit a Cover Page
2.9 Insert and Customize Headers and Footers
2.10 Insert and Customize Endnotes and Footnotes
2.11 Creating Sections in a Long Document
2.12 Using Sections to Format a Document
2.13 Deleting a Section
2.14 Reviewing, Inserting and Updating TOC
2.15 Creating a Data Source and Linking a Mailing List
2.16 Print Settings for Mail Merge

Module 3: Advanced
3.1 Adding the Developer Tab
3.2 Functionality Among Microsoft Office Products
3.3 Using Formulas in Word
3.4 Citing Sources in Word
3.5 Reviewing and Merging Versions of the Same Document
3.6 Creating a Master Document
3.7 Creating Sub Documents and Editing Master and Sub Docs


All training is delivered online; no additional purchase required.