Utah Valley University

Comprehensive Medical Coding Training

Course Name

Comprehensive Medical Coding Training

Contact Hours: 140 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

The Comprehensive Coding Training Program is a fully developed, interactive teaching process that provides the equivalent of a year of actual coding training.  It is an interesting and exciting career.  Students will first learn medical terminology, an important prerequisite to the coding process. The terminology element is not included in the coding course and must be ordered separately.  

Medical coding is the process of using a system of numbers to represent various medical problems, (diagnoses), (ICD-codes) and treatments, Current Procedural Terminology (CPT-4 – from the American Medical Association). The International Classifications of Diseases (ICD-9) is the codebook with the problems (diagnoses) numerically assigned. The books are NOT included in the course. They may be obtained from the vendor or the publisher. 

  • Unicormed  - ICD-9-CM EasyCoder ISBN 1-56781-486-7  – 800.825.7421.  The AMA copyrighted version of the CPT Codebook is available from the same publisher.  A medical dictionary of your choice is required and may be purchased from any book store or online, either Dorland’s or Stedman’s are good choices either new or used.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, health information technicians job openings remain one of the ten fastest growing allied health occupations. Coding is a challenging, interesting career that is well compensated.
Who uses the services?  Hospitals, clinics, doctor offices, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), mental healthcare facilities, insurance companies, law offices, and government agencies and even ambulance companies.  Coders may work from home as independent consultants using medical billing and coding programs and other computer software.

The Coding Training Program will provide all of the how-to and coding practice needed to learn to code successfully. It includes over 600 patient charts to practice on, with CPT, ICD, HCPCS coding training. The entire training program was developed by coders with 20+ years of experience to train would be coders in a fast track methodology.
The course uses an accelerated instruction mental "technology platform learning system" which helps one retain technical information quite easily. Specific information is presented, and then interactively tested for retention.
Background: Requires medical terminology or a strong clinical background to analyze the contents of medical records.  Candidates must be detail-oriented, analytical, and have exemplary organizational skills.  

Grades & Self Reporting:  Applicants have six months to complete this course and take an intensive final exam. If no final is taken, the grade will be posted as incomplete.

Shortly after enrollment you will begin receiving regular email notifications regarding your course of study. We will be asking how you are progressing in this class. It is your responsibility to respond to our emails and work to finish this course within the time period stated. Not responding to these update notices could result in significant delays, grade reporting issues and failure in the class. Your goal is to complete the course and pass your final exam.

Upon successfully passing the Final Examination with an 70% or better score you will receive a Certificate of Completion. 


"Thank you so much for answering my concerns regarding the great coding course. I did what you suggested and went onto Volume II and have thoroughly enjoyed coding the charts. It is encouraging when I code the chart 100% correctly (has not happened too many times!!!) but practice makes perfect. I have 25 charts left before completion." Pat

"I want to say THANK YOU for always being so prompt in answering my questions. You have been very helpful and encouraging and I have enjoyed this course immensely. I have recommended it to several people already." Thanks, Jennifer

Other excited students have great things to say about our program.

"I never dreamed I would get this far and in such a short period of time, but I did and I owe it to ordering your courses, I looked at many different courses online and yours struck me as the best. Well... I am living proof it works! I start my new career March 10, 2004 and I cannot wait. This job will change my life and that of my family. THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER! " Gwenn A.

"Hi! Just wanted to let you know I interviewed and was offered (which I accepted) a great job as head coder for a new Outpatient Surgical Center. They gave me a coding test, 12 surgical CPTs and I coded every one correctly, thanks to your program." Debbie M.


This state-of-the-art home training program will provide a practical, straightforward and useful knowledge of this complex field.

The student develops skills for a surprisingly broad range of business and industry types:

  • The medical profession
  • Patient care
  • Legal profession
  • Insurance industry
  • Third party auditing
  • Efficiency consulting
The Certificate provided is often sufficient for employment. It will also allow one to sit for various certification tests should that be a goal.


Each set of information is evaluated by completing each of the interactive self-evaluating quizzes, and coding over 600 patient charts. The coding answer sections provide the logical rationale for selection of diagnoses and treatment protocols.

On-line real time instructors are available weekdays.

Evaluation of student performance will be based upon the following criteria: Final exams = 100% of subject grade.

Course must be completed within 6 months of the start date. Extensions are granted but there is a fee.


Detailed Outline Covers the Following Topics:


  • ICD Codes
  • CPT Codes
  • HCPCS Codes


  • Private Physician Practice
  • Hospital Services
  • Background & Experience of the Coder


  • How the Reference Books Are Used
    • Volumes 1 and 2
    • V-Codes
    • Volume 3

  • General Coding Guidelines


  • Evolution
  • Guidelines for CPT Coding per CPT Book
  • Modifiers
  • Sections in CPT Book
  • Symbols Used
  • Evaluation & Management Services



Total Coding Course:  140 Contact Hours: 250 Laboratory


All required materials are included; no additional purchase necessary. If you have any questions, please reach out to courseinfo@jeronline.com.