Utah Valley University

Hazardous Waste Management and Shipping for Environmental Professionals

Course Name

Hazardous Waste Management and Shipping for Environmental Professionals

Contact Hours: 8 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

This course includes a history and overview of hazardous waste management laws and regulations, a guide to complying with the myriad of hazardous waste regulations including how to recognize hazardous wastes, how to manage waste correctly on site, how to properly select, label and mark waste containers, how to prepare shipments for transport to treatment, storage and disposal facilities, and how to properly keep records for compliance and enforcement. This course can be completed as quickly as you care to, depending on how much time you can devote to it.Note that we have set a 90 day access period to the course with further extensions up to 6 months if needed. It is always a best practice to take your time and make sure that you understand each lesson in full detail. Complete in as little as 8 hours.

In addition, this course includes a discussion of the DOT’s regulations for shipping supplies, equipment and samples related to hazardous waste site investigations and remediation activities.

Who Should Take This Course:

Environmental professionals who are 1) involved with handling, shipping, or receiving hazardous materials, including samples of hazardous waste, and 2) involved with managing hazardous wastes associated with cleanup activities. This may include: samplers, drillers, engineers, geologists, laboratory technicians, scientists, and field technicians.


After completing this series, students should be able to:

  • Know how to identify, and manage hazardous waste
  • Be able to determine generator status and maintain facility compliance with hazardous waste regulations
  • Recognize regulations for recordkeeping and reporting
  • Locate and use the Federal hazardous materials and hazardous waste regulations
  • Properly label and mark hazardous waste containers for shipment
  • Complete manifests for hazardous waste
  • Select proper packaging for hazardous materials
  • Develop appropriate emergency response information to accompany shipments


Each exam is a series of multiple-choice questions. After selecting your answers for all questions in the exam, you must click the submit button to score the exam and record your results. You may take an exam as many times as you wish. While there is no passing score requirement for this course, we suggest you use the exams to assess your understanding of the regulations.


  1. Module I Introduction to Hazardous Waste Management * Background * Regulatory History * Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations * Structure of the Regulations * State Regulatory Agencies * DOT, OSHA and Other EPA Programs-- Exam One
  2. Module II Hazardous Waste Determination Solid Waste Definition Abandoned Recycled Inherently Waste-like Hazardous Waste Definition Listed Hazardous Wastes Characteristic Hazardous Wastes Exclusions and Exemptions Mixture and Derived from Rule Contained In Policy Hazardous Waste Identification Rule--Exam Two
  3. Module III Generator Status Overview Definition of LQG, SQG and CESQGs Generator Determination Hazardous Waste Determination What Wastes Do You Count RCRA, DOT and OSHA Training--Exam Three
  4. Module IV On-Site Management Overview EPA Identification Numbers Permit for Onsite Treatment, Storage and Disposal Accumulation Satellite Accumulation Containers and Tanks Preparedness and Prevention Contingency Plans and Emergency Procedures Remediation Waste Recordkeeping and Reporting Spills Enforcement--Exam Four
  5. Module V Off-Site Disposal Hazardous Waste Manifests Selecting a Proper Shipping Name Transportation Requirements Marking Requirements Labeling Requirements Placarding Requirements--Exam Five
  6. Module VI Land Disposal Restrictions LDR Determination wastewaters non-wastewaters LDR Table Notification / Certification Universal Treatment Standards--Exam Six
  7. Module VII Shipping Specific Hazardous Materials Environmental Sampling and DOT Regulations Exceptions and Exemptions Materials of Trade Specific Environmental Materials Samples Decontamination Chemicals Field Equipment--Exam Seven