Utah Valley University

Understanding and Using Contracts

Course Name

Understanding and Using Contracts

Contact Hours: 24 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

In almost every business transaction a contract is made. This course will tell you how to know when a true contract has been made, identify when it is binding, and determine the limitations and scope of the agreements. It will also give you information and guidelines on how and when to sever the contract, how to modify it, and how to circumvent potential problems.


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Create, change, and terminate a contract.
  • Identify the basic elements of a contract.
  • Check laws and spell out terms.
  • Learn to change and terminate a contract.
  • Understand what performance is.
  • Identify basic contract defenses.
  • Be aware of pitfalls.
  • Understand when he’s bound by a contract.
  • Recognize when performance is excused.
  • Obtain positive results and avoid lawsuits.
  • Be fair and seek win-win solutions.
  • Understand her basic legal remedies.
  • Create contract review policies.


Each course ends with a 20-question test made up of 10 true/false questions and 10 multiple-choice questions. If the Student achieves a 70% or higher on the test, then the training will be completed. 

The test is not required to complete the course, but is an option, chosen at the student's discretion, should they desire to attempt to gain the Certificate of Completion.


  1. Create, change, and terminate a contract.
  2. Identify the basic elements of a contract.
  3. Check laws and spell out terms.
  4. Learn to change and terminate a contract.
  5. Understand what performance is.
  6. Identify basic contract defenses.
  7. Be aware of pitfalls.
  8. Understand when he’s bound by a contract.
  9. Recognize when performance is excused.
  10. Obtain positive results and avoid lawsuits.
  11. Be fair and seek win-win solutions.
  12. Understand her basic legal remedies.
  13. Create contract review policies.


Additional textbook required. Upon enrollment, please speak directly with the course instructor prior to purchasing the book.

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