Utah Valley University

The Art of Cross-Examination

Course Name

The Art of Cross-Examination

Contact Hours: 8 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

This course will teach students advanced cross-examination techniques and fundamentals using actual cross-examinations from famous cases. Please note: Course of study may be completed earlier than indicated.


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Recognize effective techniques used by attorneys;
  2. Recognize specific strategies used;
  3. Be able to cross-examine anyone on any topic.


100% of the grading will be based on classroom performance and preparation of sample cross-examinations based on hypotheticals.


  1. Cross-Examination of the Perjured Witness
  2. Cross-Examination of Experts
  3. Silent Cross-Examination
  4. Methods of Famous Cross-Examiners
  5. Dangers That Confront a Cross-Examiner
  6. Fallacies of Testimony


Materials included as pdf files available for download. Text: The Art of Cross Examination by Francis Wellman. No additional purchase required.