Utah Valley University

401(k) Training & Certification Program

Course Name

401(k) Training & Certification Program

Contact Hours: 8 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

401(k) plan implementation, communication, and administration are some of the hardest and most complex tasks undertaken by organizations. Our 401(k) Plan Training & Certification Program is loaded with information on plan design, administrative options, and compliance requirements - all written in non-legal terms and supported with numerous tips, examples, and interactive questions - that help you to understand the many and complex 401(k) rules. There is also a special "Bookmark" feature so you can learn at your own pace.


By taking this course, you will learn:

  • What documentation is required to implement and operate a 401(k) plan
  • Which employees can be specifically included or excluded from plan participation
  • How to properly handle loans, distributions, vesting, and taxation
  • How to properly administer plan forfeitures
  • To understand and comply with non-discrimination rules and/or perform non-discrimination tests
  • What fiduciary responsibilities your organization has
  • To comply with annual reporting requirements


This course contains numerous End Of Lesson Quizzes to help you measure your progress and mastery of the materials. You can also earn a "Certified 401(k) Administrator" designation!

Certification tests are comprised of 50 randomly-generated questions that are mostly multiple choice, scenario-based questions that test the student`s ability to apply the learned content.

A score of 85 or higher is required to earn a Certification.


401(k) Training & Certification Program

401(k) plan implementation, communication, and administration are some of the hardest and most complex tasks undertaken by organizations.

Our 401(k) Plan Training & Certification Program is loaded with information on plan design, administrative options, and compliance requirements - all written in non-legal terms and supported with numerous tips, examples, and interactive questions - that help you to understand the many and complex 401(k) rules. There is also a special "Bookmark" feature so you can learn at your own pace.

  • What documentation is required to implement and operate a 401(k) plan
  • Which employees can be specifically included or excluded from plan participation
  • How to properly handle loans, distributions, vesting, and taxation
  • How to properly administer plan forfeitures
  • To understand and comply with non-discrimination rules and/or perform non-discrimination tests
  • What fiduciary responsibilities your organization has
  • To comply with annual reporting requirements