Utah Valley University

Negotiation, Discussion, and Mediation: Getting Everyone to Yes

Course Name

Negotiation, Discussion, and Mediation: Getting Everyone to Yes

Contact Hours: 8 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

Getting everyone to yes does not mean one side always giving in and the other side losing. Learning how to facilitate both sides so both feel heard and both are more willing to resolve and remain in communication. Learn how empowering it can be for both sides to be heard and feel they are winning.


Getting to a yes does not mean you win or lose. Understanding how the different types of mediation, the different skills of the mediator, the preparation before the mediation, and the tone of the mediation can all affect the resolution and future relationship.


Breaking the stereotype that to be successful or get a “yes” that you must win. Learning adaptive and compassionate skills and understanding and how to use those skills in practice.

Please note: Course of study may be completed earlier than indicated.


Upon successful completion, students will understand the skills, history, techniques, and compassion necessary for a mediation to allow both sides to get to a yes.

As a result of engaging in this course of study, all serious-minded students will benefit in the following ways:

  • Learn how to approach a mediation, preparation for the session
  • Understand the different approaches to mediation and how each can be beneficial for particular disputes
  • How can compassion and negotiation work into a resolution for everyone
  • Understand that the mediator is a facilitator and can assist both sides to feel they are winning
  • Overcoming the stereotype of someone has to win and someone has to lose


This course contains multiple assignments, exercises, handouts, role plays, and a couple of quizzes to help measure your progress and mastery of the course materials. A score of 85 or higher is required. Quizzes may be taken 2 times each.


  1. Negotiation, Discussion, and Mediation: Getting Everyone to Yes
  2. How does negotiation, discussion and mediation work for a resolution
  3. What approaches can a mediator take to help a resolution
  4. How having humility and adaptiveness is key
  5. Knowing which technique and skills to use for each mediation
  6. Allowing parties to realize both sides can win
  7. Current trends in mediation
  8. Current trends in negotiation
  9. Current trends in ADR (alternative dispute resolution) overall


Multiple materials provided by the instructor (handouts, articles, etc.). An additional textbook purchase is required. +++ Please purchase the following book from Amazon or another reseller. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving in__written by Fisher, Roger and Ury, William__ ISBN-13: 978-1844131464