Utah Valley University

Have a Nice Conflict: Peaceful Resolutions through Mediation

Course Name

Have a Nice Conflict: Peaceful Resolutions through Mediation

Contact Hours: 8 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

This course will help students to learn ways to navigate life and disputes through mediation. This will teach practical ways to deal with any type of dispute. Learn how to be neutral and objective when involved in a dispute and move forward through new and more appropriate resolution tactics. Learn how to use different techniques for active listening and compassion. How to use empathy and to put our defenses down and realize that being heard is more important than “winning”. Mediation is not a compromise, but a new resolution.

Please note: Course of study may be completed earlier than indicated.


Upon successful completion, students will understand the rules and regulations regarding mediation.

As a result of engaging in this course of study, all serious-minded students will benefit in the following ways:

  • Understand the different types and methods of mediation
  • Learn how to write a mediation agreement that is either non-binding or binding
  • The pros and cons of mediation for specific disputes
  • How mediation fits overall into ADR (alternative dispute resolution)
  • Learn new active listening techniques
  • Expand listening, writing, and learning skills
  • Become open-minded in regard to disputes overall


This course contains multiple assignments and a few quizzes to help measure your progress and mastery of the course materials. A score of 85 or higher is required. Quizzes may be taken 2 times each.


  1. Peaceful Resolutions through Mediation
  2. How does Mediation Work?
  3. Current Trends in Mediation
  4. Current Trends in overall ADR (alternative dispute resolution)
  5. Different Types of Mediation
  6. Choosing the Appropriate Type of Mediation for the Dispute
  7. Roles and Duties of the Mediator


Multiple materials provided by the instructor (handouts, articles, etc.). Additional textbook purchase required: The Mediation Process: Practical Strategies for Resolving Conflict 4th Edition__written by Moore, Christopher W.__ISBN-13: 978-1118304303